See You
in Lisbon!




New vision for primary health care and sustainable development


Conference Sustainable Goals

  • Paperless conference (only a pocket programme will be printed out)
  • Use recycled and eco-friendly materials (conference bags, badge lanyards..)
  • Care about the delegates (WONCA Europe Run for Health, accessible accommodation)
  • Manage to avoid food waste during the conference

WONCA Europe Conference strongly encourages attendees to help reduce the environmental impact of their participation by considering the following:

  • Using sustainable travelling to visit the Conference
  • Booking accessible accommodation nearby the conference venue to reduce carbon footprint (see the available accommodation here)
  • Avoiding the distribution of flyers or other printed materials
  • Using the mobile application (instead of printing) for creation of personal programme
  • Bringing own reusable water bottle/ coffee cup
  • Returning the name badge lanyard after the conference (will be used next year)
  • Managing the process of avoiding the food waste
  • Applying a strict waste separation

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